



SO much has happened since the first day. I don't even know where to start.

The second day was much better than the first. The third day was much better than the second.

Then came Friday.

Don't get me wrong, Friday was just fine for MY students. I, however, got pulled into the other kindergarten class to keep a student from running out the door. Apparently they had kept her corralled for 20 minutes, but the other temp teacher had to leave. In an effort to keep her from running out the side door over into the class with my students, I stepped between her and the door. She apparently didn't like it, because she hit me twice. She then went to try and get out of the front door and hit the regular teacher. Then she hit some of the other students. Thank goodness the principal was on the way from his other school. He restrained her until well after school was over.

What a day to end the week!

Yesterday the regular teacher of my class had to step out for a meeting with a parent, leaving me as the only adult in the classroom. Trying to read or lead calendar was CHAOS. The students wouldn't do what was asked of them, they wouldn't listen, and they were not making things easy. It, unfortunately, set the tone for the day, and made the rest of the day the same.

Today, we had a substitute in the afternoon class. The students were fine for the first half hour or so. After that, it was like trying to herd cats. I ended up having to write up two students and sending one of them to see the principal. Within two minutes of being on the playground, I had a fully gushing bloody nose/cut lip, and no way to walk him in the building (one of the FEW times I'm the only adult on the playground). He got blood all over the sidewalk and all the way down the hall.

I'm REALLY hoping tomorrow is better!

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