



Today was the big day. 9 AM rolled around, and I strolled into the classroom. It was mass chaos as the teacher realized she had to get the students to Spanish. Without letting the students get properly unpacked, we began to march them down the hallway. Being that this is only the second day of school, they don't know how to stay in a line, nor how to be quiet and WALK. Not skip, not jump, not run, not walk backwards.

Not even halfway to the Spanish room, the teacher got interrupted and wanted me to take them the rest of the way. Sure, no problem. Or, it wasn't, until we got to the stairs. I tried to get the students to use the handrail, but they were not having any of this listening business. My goodness, it was one giant mob when we got to the bottom.

Guess what?

The Spanish teacher wasn't even there.

It seems as though 8:50 is not our Spanish time. So, the teacher had arrived, and we turned them all around to head back to the classroom. After some rug time for calendar and the like, it was 10:30. This was our Spanish time! We got the kids all lined up, down the hall, down the stairs, and into the Spanish classroom.

The Spanish teacher then informed us that 10:30 was the time the fifth graders had to come down.

We later figured out we don't have Spanish at all on Wednesdays.

After making it through the morning (thank goodness for a lunch break), I headed to the other classroom with the students. Things were a bit more organized there, but still chaotic. Student's don't turn and look at you but for a second when you call their name. They pretend they didn't hear you. They refuse to come work with you. Half the time, you're talking to them, and they won't even look at you.

In short, ridiculousness. This is why I prefer older students.

This is going to be a long year.

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